RV Spending - February 2020

February we really wanted to try and keep our spending to a minimum and see what we realistically could live on if we needed to cut things. You never know if/when you’ll lose income, and being on the road it can be significantly harder to find new clients. By knowing what we can get by on, it helps relieve that stress of not knowing.


Our goal was to keep groceries under $120/week. Considering we had been spending big bucks on fancy ingredients, I was surprised how easy this was. Ron made fantastic meals and I didnt feel like I was missing out on anything. We also wanted to spend under $200 on eating out, which was like one meal a week. That was blown when we went to a great Mexican restaurant in Roswell that looked way cheaper on the outside than it was inside.

Groceries: $339

Eating Out: $217


Aside from the big move to New Mexico, we also did a lot of longer drives to explore. We saw three national parks (one was 4.5 hours round trip) and made the trek to Roswell.

Gas: $294


We have a national parks pass (and totally recommend them) so going to the parks was “free”. We also went to Sonic the Hedgehog the movie, as Ron wanted to support a movie that was changed when viewer feedback said “Oh god what have you made”. The movie was still crap.

Entertainment: $70

RV Repairs

We didn’t have any major repairs, and spent the money on small improvements like things for the kitchen and wires for our solar setup.

RV Repairs: $65

RV Parks

We spent $485 for two weeks at a park that we absolutely hated, and then another $220 on a state park reservation for the week in the summer by Yellowstone.

RV Parks: $705


We had a few fill ups from cold nights.

Propane: $51

Grand total for November: $1741
